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Government Lending

Government Lending

Smart Financing for Government Entities

Small Town Main Street in Autumn

Tax Anticipation Notes (TANs)

Managing a government budget can be challenging, especially when tax revenues are seasonal or delayed. Our Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) solution is designed to provide government entities with the short-term funding they need to bridge the gap between expenses and anticipated tax revenue.

School Building on Sunny Day

Bond Anticipation Notes (BANs)

When your government entity is planning a major project but waiting for bond issuance, a Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) can provide the short-term funding you need to get started without delay.

Signing a document on a wood desk

Revenue Anticipation Notes (RANs)

Revenue fluctuations are common for government entities, especially when key revenue streams like grants, fees, or reimbursements are delayed. A Revenue Anticipation Note (RAN) provides the short-term funding you need to maintain operations without interruption.

Road work area with flagger holding stop sign

General Obligation Bonds (GOs)

When your community is in need of new or updated infrastructure and services, a General Obligation Bond provides secure, cost-effective financing for major capital investments.

Contact us today.

Matthew ColpittsJason Simcock
Matthew Colpitts
Senior Vice President, Dir. of Government Banking
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Jason Simcock
Senior Vice President, Senior Government Banker
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